Friends of the JMC

The Friends of the Jerusalem Music Center Society brings together people of action, vision and spirit, lovers of music and education. At the heart of the activitylies the notion that every gifted young woman and young man in Israel deserves an opportunity to realize their dream and fulfill their potential. This goal is achieved through the educational activities of the center which prides itself on the reputation of a world-class institution of musical excellence, headed by the great pianist Murray Perahia.

Those who join the Friends of the Centre in Israel can choose to contribute to the various activities through one of the options below, and enjoy the variety of rights associated with it. donation entitles its owner to an income tax exemption in accordance with section 46.

The music centre brings the young students together with leading international artists. These encounters take place in master classes, working in chamber ensembles, playing in an orchestra and in musical enrichment classes. During the last years, many of the great musicians of our time came to Israel to work with the young students, among them Murray Perahia, Tabea Zimmerman, Yitzhak Perlman, Miriam Fried, and in past years such legendary masters as Arthur Rubinstein, Pablo Casals, Leonard Bernstein, Yo-Yo Ma and many others.

Main donation options


3,000 NIS yearly per couple

  • Guided tour of the JMC
  • Regular event updates
  • invitation to all concerts and events at the JMC and YIPO concerts.


5,000 NIS yearly per couple

  • An invitation to the YIPO concerts
  • Personal encounters with young musicians
  • invitation to all concerts and events at the JMC.
  • Regular event updates
  • Guided tour of the JMC


10,000 NIS yearly and up per couple

  • An invitation to the YIPO concerts
  • Personal encounters with young musicians
  • Open invitation to all musical activities at the JMC
  • Regular event updates
  • Guided tour of the JMC
  • A double invitaion to the YIPO concerts

More donation options

Join us

Let’s Shape the future of classical music in Israel

For further information, please fill the following form

I have a responsibility to pass on to the next generation what I learned from my teachers, … like giving water to a flower.

It keeps me young and reminds me where I came from. Teaching young artists is like giving water to a flower.

Isaac Stern